Your New Chief Experience

Monthly Professional Chapters

Each month, join us for a set of curated sessions designed to help you connect with Chief peers in similar roles who understand the unique challenges of your position.

Meet members with similar executive-level experience, discuss leadership topics, and forge stronger connections within your local Chief community.

Upcoming Chapter Events

View the full list of upcoming events in January and February below.

If you are not able to attend an in-person event, please join us online for a virtual Professional Chapter to connect with members across our community in related roles.


JAN 16 | Professional Chapter Winter Summit | RSVP


JAN 15 | Product, Tech, Design, Marketing, PR, Sales, HR, Finance, and Legal | RSVP

JAN 22 | Operations, Strategy, Executive Management, Founders, and Executives In-Transition | RSVP


JAN 16 | HR, Legal, Product, Tech, Design, Founders, and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 16 | Executive Management, Operations, Strategy, Finance, Marketing, PR, and Sales | RSVP

JAN 28 | Executive Management, Operations, Strategy, Finance, Marketing, PR, and Sales | RSVP

JAN 28 | HR, Legal, Product, Tech, Design, Founders, and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 30 | Industries: Healthcare, Pharma, and Biotech | RSVP

Los Angeles

JAN 28 | Founders and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 29 | Marketing, PR, Sales, Product, Design, and Tech | RSVP

JAN 29 | Executive Management, Operations, Strategy, HR, Finance, and Legal | RSVP


Details for Professional Chapter events in January will be shared in the coming weeks.

New York City

JAN 14 | HR, Finance, and Legal | RSVP

JAN 15 | Founders and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 15 | Operations and Strategy | RSVP

JAN 27 | Product, Tech, and Design | RSVP

San Francisco

JAN 14 | HR, Marketing, PR, Sales, Product, Tech, and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 14 | Finance, Legal, Executive Management, Strategy, Operations, and Founders | RSVP

JAN 28 | Finance, Legal, Executive Management, Strategy, Operations, and Founders | RSVP

JAN 28 | HR, Marketing, PR, Sales, Product, Tech, Executives In-Transition | RSVP

Washington, D.C.

JAN 16 | Founders and Executives In-Transition | RSVP

JAN 28 | Marketing, PR, and Sales | RSVP

JAN 29 | Operations and Strategy | RSVP

FEB 11 | Product, Tech, and Design | RSVP

FEB 18 | HR, Legal, and Finance | RSVP


JAN 14 | All Functions | RSVP

FEB 12 | All Functions | RSVP

FEB 18 | All Functions | RSVP