Community Guidelines

Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024

Chief is building a powerful network of executives and our community guidelines are grounded in our values (powerful, inclusive, real, curious, time travel). They inform the behaviors we expect members to embody and uphold and are part of our effort to create in-person and virtual environments that foster dignity, safety, and respect. We expect all members, Guides, Coaches, Chief team members, and guests to embody and uphold these guidelines.

Our Community Guidelines govern current and future behavior and interactions in all official Chief spaces, including our Clubhouses, Chief- and member-led in-person and virtual experiences, the Chief app, and all Core meetings, Coaching sessions, and Executive Education sessions.

Please use discretion and common sense to act with intention within the community. These guidelines also apply to any guests as well.

1. RESPECT | Engage thoughtfully with anyone within the Chief community — including the Chief team, Chief Guides, and other members — at all times.

  • Be intentional and treat all members of our community with dignity — Show consideration, care, and empathy for others. Recognize and honor the unique identities and backgrounds within our community.
  • Exhibit self-awareness and engage constructively —  Be mindful of context, language, and tone. Listen to and approach different perspectives with an open mind. Remain open to feedback and own your mistakes.
  • Be considerate and professional. If it’s hosting an event, participating in a virtual chat, or communicating one-on-one, we expect members to be responsible and intentional when communicating with others.

2. CONFIDENTIALITY | Never use, sell or share any information about the Chief network without explicit consent.

  • Information includes (but is not limited to): member and company information, exchanges, and content shared within the community for personal or professional gain.
  • Do not record Core meetings, Coaching sessions, Executive Education sessions, Chief and Member-hosted events, and other Chief interactions without consent from every party. This constraint encompasses a range of artificial recording methods and similar technologies. See our Zoom AI Notetaker Policy.
  • We take data privacy very seriously and if you use, sell, or share members’ information beyond Chief, we reserve the right to terminate your membership immediately.

3. NO-SOLICITATION | Networking is welcome and the backbone of Chief. Overt solicitation outside designated areas is not.

  • We understand the power of a strong network naturally leads members to doing business with each other, and we encourage this connection across our community. It is, however, critical that Chief is a trusted community for our members.
  • Solicitation of goods or services for the sole purpose of driving future business outside the Marketplace community group is prohibited in all forms: overt, indirect, and implied, unless expressly invited to do so.
  • This includes spamming (e.g., posting repeat content and/or multiple variations of content).

4. INCLUSION |  We strive to be a place where all people are able to give their highest unique contribution to create a community of exceptional leaders.

  • Everyone at Chief has a role to play in creating the type of community we aspire to be and we co-own the responsibility for it.
  • Discrimination and harassment have no place at Chief and any behaviors that threaten the sense of dignity, well-being, and safety of our members, Guides, or team members, are not tolerated. Discrimination and/or harassment that are rooted in (but not limited to) racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, antisemitism, ageism, heterosexism/homophobia, classism, sizeism/fatphobia, colorism, and islamophobia threaten the essence of what we are building.
  • We practice self-awareness of our own identities and are curious about how this informs our interactions.
  • We practice openness and willingness to learn and unlearn in ways that drive inclusion.
  • We recognize that power imbalances exist for different groups and strive to work against them.
  • We hope to get it right more than we get it wrong. When we do miss, we work to repair the harm with others.

5. CHIEF BRAND USAGE |  Be thoughtful about representing Chief in public.

  • Use the Chief logo and brand elements for good: Announce your new membership, amplify events, post photos of merchandise, or share assets from our social media toolkits. In addition to our logo, examples of other brand elements include trademarks, service marks, site design, text, video, graphics, images, and icons.
  • We know our members are excited to share their involvement with member-hosted or -attended events. But, Chief-hosted events are not the same as member-hosted events, and as such, the use of our logo and other brand elements is restricted.
  • Chief’s logo and other brand elements cannot be used to promote events or organizations that are not hosted by or created in partnership with Chief. This includes promotion through posts on any Chief platform, social media, websites, emails, landing pages, or any marketing materials.

Enforcement of Guidelines

All the guidelines listed above are baseline expectations for the community and should be followed in all settings and spaces within Chief (Clubhouses, virtual environments, Core meetings, Coaching sessions, Executive Education sessions, etc.). Please exercise thoughtfulness and judgment on behaviors that contribute to and harm our community.

While we expect members to uphold these expectations anywhere there are other Chief community members, including — members-only chat groups (WhatsApp, Discord, Slack), external events and workplaces, non-Chief official social media pages and groups (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) — in spaces outside of the Chief platform, Chief is unable to enforce our guidelines. See our External Communications Policy.

We reserve the right to terminate your membership if any of the above guidelines are not being followed.

Report violations:

If a community post violates our guidelines, you can report it directly online or within the app. The Chief team reviews all reports and will take action when appropriate.

If there is an incident that lands on a member or a community, we encourage you to reach out directly to other member(s) to talk through the concerns, if appropriate. We also recognize that the heavy lifting of these conversations often lands with marginalized communities and those who are harmed by the behavior. To that end, please reach out to the Chief team for support and we will work with you on options to address the issue. Email [email protected] to report any behavior that violates the guidelines outlined above. We take all reports seriously and will take appropriate action to address them.

We reserve the right to revisit our community guidelines at any time.

© 2024 PROJECT 1972 INC.